BRIAN Lloyd (Western Telegraph letters, December 26th) queries the Good Neighbour Scheme Initiative set up by Pembrokeshire County Council and the manner in which it is being publicised.

Dinas Cross piloted this scheme at the outset and the village has benefitted in very many ways, not least by the information of a luncheon club for the over 50s in the community. A community telephone is manned by volunteers who can assist in a practical and advisory manner.

The involvement of the community in this scheme and the Community Action Plan then instigated applications to raise funds and assistance from sources such as PAVS and PLANED, aiding projects to improve facilities for residents as evidenced in one instance by the repair and refurbishments to Yr Hen Ysgol Dinas community hall, also forming a successful film club; play group area completely refurbished by grant funding as well as aiding many other groups who regularly meet here.

Mr Lloyd obviously appreciates the objects of the scheme, but believes that it should be funded through council taxes and become a role of community councillors.

May I point out that it is not within the remit of community councillors who are unpaid volunteers and in many cases will already be involved in various aspects of community life, and are retrained in applying for funds from outside organisations such as lottery grants and other independent bodies.

As to names and telephone numbers of community councillors being published, I may say that both my number and email address are freely available to any resident of Dinas Cross and beyond as a community councillor, chairman of the Pembrokeshire Association of Local Councils, booking secretary and trustee to Yr Hen Ysgol and chair of Cyngor Henoed Dinas Cross Age Concern, so I believe I quite fulfil my voluntary role both as a councillor and individually.

May I suggest that local groups seriously consider forming a Good Neighbour Scheme with the assistance of Pembrokeshire County Councils.

Perhaps Mr Lloyd might consider becoming involved as a volunteer in the start of a scheme thereby assisting himself and others within his own community to improve their quality of life.

SHEILA LA CROIZ Glendower Dinas Cross.