TIME and again, Dave Haskell and others who share his views write to this newspaper, promoting fossil fuel power generation; they say that renewable technologies are too expensive. Time and again, those of us who are concerned about this planet’s future have written in reply, pointing out that just quoting a grid price, in pence per unit generated, does not take into account the cost to the environment of generating power by burning gas, oil, and coal.

The pro-fossil-fuel lobby regularly question the link between manmade carbon emissions and climate change, although every peer-reviewed report from independent bodies (i.e. not supported by the fossil fuel industries) which is published supplies stronger and stronger evidence that we humans are to blame; today, November 14, we have a report from the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme projecting that ocean acidification caused by human carbon dioxide emissions could see 30% of all marine species extinct by the end of this century.

Do Haskell and his ilk believe that climate disruption, desertification, mass environmental migration, and now the death of the seas as well are all justified outcomes of their proposed energy policies? Or should we humans be pursuing an international policy of increased energy efficiency and transformation to sustainable energy supplies?


Pembrokeshire Friends of the Earth
