BELIEVE the following is what most of the public would want to restore some form of credibility to PCC: l New council elections to be called within three months.

All councillors to resign so new election can be called.

This will not be popular with councillors but would show those who have faith in their record and those who are afraid of losing their seats.

An election shortly would breathe some fresh air into the council. It would be at a price but we would have to bear that to get a new start.

l Council to be reorganised so that all decisions (except planning) be made by full council.

All reasons for preferred tenders to be explained to full council.

An end to decisions being taken by a few at the top, we elect councillors to represent us and if they have no say there is no point in having them.

Cabinet members have to be elected by full council, not leader.

All full council meetings to be webcast, votes recorded and published.

Councillors’ attendance record and expenses claimed to be published yearly on council website in user friendly easily found format.

Any councillor found to have deliberately lied to council or committee to be dismissed and by-election called.

l Councillors’ pay structure to be changed.

Instead of the current salary this to be cut by at least 50% and attendance allowance to be calculated to make up difference.

This would encourage those who do not attend meetings to do so in future.

No big settlement pay off for Chief Exec. We need to bite the bullet and if it costs a lot of money to go down disciplinary route better that.

IF, repeat IF, a chief exec needs to be employed at all it be under the mantra he is appointed by the council and public to work for them.

We need to think outside the box and instead of saying things can’t be done find ways to change so they can be done. If the law needs changing, let’s make an effort to get it done.

Changes need to happen now so there is a radical change and totally fresh culture and structure established before we are forced to merge into old style Dyfed.


Milford Haven