HOW cynical it is for the First Minister to express his outrage that Wales will suffer a cut of many millions of pounds. This follows the UK Government’s further budgets cuts which have a knock on effect on the Welsh budget.

Yes this will be a further blow to public services and the wider Welsh economy. It will mean less to invest in the economic recovery of the country. Much needed improvements to road and rail will be in jeopardy. Vital improvements to school buildings and hospitals will be postponed.

Yet he personally voted for a continuation of austerity.

His party was standing on a policy of further cuts to Wales. A short month later he is decrying the logical result of supporting cuts to the Wales.

He used to proudly boast the Labour would be ‘Standing up for Wales’. In reality he is complaisant in the further erosion in the amount of funds available to build up the economy. The First Minister is fully signed up to the Tory austerity programme.

So he should not be allowed to walk away from the subsequent impact of a reduction in public spending.

Plaid Cymru was crystal clear in opposition to the destructive policies of austerity during the election.

It was a shame that Labour actually supported a cut of over a billion pounds in the Welsh budget.


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