IN response to the recent letter from C V Cateaux (Disastrous to Farmers), whilst broadly in agreement with the comments by Mr Cateaux, may I respectfully put another opinion. These are based on over 30 years of working in the dairy equipment supply industry.

The MMB was a powerful force that represented all dairy farmers. It was scrapped due to the fact that under EEC laws, it was illegal as a monopoly. This would have been the case even under a Labour government.

After it was scrapped, dairy farmers expanded their operations and it became a free for all in price negotiations with the milk processors.

A great deal of money was made at that time by milk producers, but over production forced the introduction of milk quotas.

These quotas very quickly achieved monetary value and were also traded as such.

Some of the bigger farms suddenly had extra assets approaching one million pounds. Nice one!

In the 90s, up until the BSE crisis, the dairy industry was booming. It was the same for us equipment suppliers too. But the writing was on the wall, as after the crisis was brought under control, dairy farms continued to get bigger and bigger, buying up smaller farms, forcing up land prices and making it virtually impossible for young people to get a foot on the farming ladder.

But the same was happening worldwide and we now simply have a situation of over production of dairy products.

New Zealand exports over 90% of its dairy products, China has developed a massive milk industry and most Western countries have expanded just as vigorously.

Overproduction devalues the product.

There was a time when a farmer with 60-100 cows could make a good living, had a new car in his garage and could afford a good holiday every year.

The EU single farm payment just distorts the situation.

Leaving the EU would be a start. Regulating farm production through a new MMB organisation should be a priority. Making it possible for young people to start farming must be addressed.

Don’t put all the blame on the supermarkets. The British housewife will pay more for her daily pint. But you dairy farmers need to come to terms with overproduction, get better at exporting, learn to live without subsidies and stop this continual process of expansion.

You are where you are fundamentally because you have destroyed your own marketplace.

Get back to reality. Vote No to the EU, keep a good relationship with the buying public and continue to make the finest dairy products in the world.


Managing Director

Arbel Electronics Ltd