The history books tell us about monarchs, aristocrats, warriors, bishops and learned men and women, also a succession of wars and disasters. We seldom hear stories about merchants, bankers and financial speculators with their motives for power, wealth and land. The bible tells us stories about creation, good deeds and evil ones. We know about priests, disciples and their followers and more recently about their different religions and their leaders. The bible is interestingly prophetic about wars, disasters, power, wealth, greed and avarice. However it also confused the uneducated masses with myths and fables in the past.

The present world population is better educated, informed, housed and fed, although there are a few exceptions. We should reflect on the biblical prophecies written thousands of years ago about the causes of wars and disasters eg WW1 and 2 also the cold war period 1946- 1976. This has been followed by a succession of religious and ideological wars also about oil, minerals and land which is now a ‘Global Disaster’.

The politicians, religious and military leaders should now concentrate their minds on the Bible’s prophecies and leave the myths and fables to the film and TV producers.

They still talk to Kings and Queens but they don’t walk with the common people or understand the cultures of foreign nations. We now have a Middle east and Europe refugee crisis as a result of interference by Western Europe and American democratic politicians with their financial and military advisors aided by their religious leaders.

Mr John Davis
