THE British electorate truly deserve better than having to listen to the fairy tales being spouted by Dave (I had a turbine on my chimney) Cameron.

He would have us believe that pulling out of the EU would be akin to Armageddon with European countries ceasing to trade with us – this felony being compounded with the UK being overrun by a huge influx of immigrants directly from France – dear me, where are the smelling salts!

Every knowledgeable and thinking person will be aware this is utter nonsense and the very opposite of the truth.

Does ‘EU Dave’ really think we will be conned by all his ‘Alice in Wonderland’ rhetoric whereby the Europeans will impose a trading embargo?

Business is business – according to a national newspaper the EU sold goods and services worth 223.4billion last year to us, being a record £89billion more than we sold them, so it would be commercial suicidal if they put up trade barriers – turkeys do not vote for Christmas as they say.

Europhiles relish in muddying the waters by trying to confuse a Common Market with the ever growing power of the EU wilfully overlooking that UK exporters are becoming less reliant on European markets – you will seldom hear them mention, for example, our trade with China.

Indeed, beyond the EU there is a whole world willing to trade and prosper with us.

Just three testing questions will ascertain the integrity and validity of the EU – ask a Europhile when the EU books were last fully audited, secondly, would they agree that not joining the Euro has been a perceptive and intelligent decision, and thirdly, will the EU pull out of NATO and create its own defence force.

Although if the answers still leave you undecided, then I would recommend you vote the very opposite of what ‘Weapons of mass destruction Blair’, ‘EU Kinnock’ and ‘Trustworthy Cameron’ would have you do.

On the other hand, should you foolishly decide to live in a developing, powerful and corrupt ‘Orwellian Society’ where laws are determined by unelected people far away, and you are directed (dictated) more and more by faceless wonders on how to live (exist), then by all means vote to stay in an unaccountable, technocratic and bureaucratic EU– but then you will have to live with the consequences, repenting at leisure – don’t let fear guide your voting!

Finally, is it not ironic that Brussels is the capital of the country where Wellington saved us from becoming a ‘forced’ member of a Napoleonic European Union.

