Mr T G Allen’s letter of March 2 refers to declarations which were NOT made by our Prime Minister David Cameron.

More significant are declarations he did make after promoting the merit of holding the referendum as promised in the Conservative Party general election manifesto.

When repeatedly asked, “Will you lead a Leave campaign if you do not get the reforms you want”, he always replied, “I do not rule anything out”.

I doubt many voters understood this to include not getting any significant reforms and then campaigning, as we now experience, to stay in an unreformed EU and encourage many organisations, politicians here and overseas, to express wild generalisations and uninformed speculations supporting the Stay In movement fronted by our own Prime Minister.

It is clearly up to those leading the Leave movement to get their act together smartly, democratically, honourably and well informed.

I want the Leave movement to win. The worst outcome is for the Stay In to get more votes by using all the dirty tricks imaginable.

Imagine the future for the “un-United” Kingdom !

Just for the record – Wellington won the Penisular War aided by Spanish and Portugese irregular forces and was Commander Chief of forces from the UK, Holland/ Belgium and some minor contributions and won the Battle of Waterloo aided by Prussian forces under General Blucher.

At much of the time when Naploean dominated Europe the only opposition came from the UK. No European Union, just a dictatorship, little democracy – rather like the situation in Europe now.

