LAST week Pembrokeshire County council considered a report about the finances of the Cleddau Bridge, in particular, to determine a starting financial point and then the rate of toll charges from April 1 2017, based on the estimated lifetime costs of the bridge.

With regard to the starting point, until the Welsh Audit office did the sums, the financial position of the bridge was unknown to the council after 18 years under its management. The options, as at March 31, 2015, are, an £11.2m accumulated surplus profit from tolls dating from 2008/9, or, an accumulated surplus profit from tolls of £19.5m from 2003/4.

All users of the toll bridge, including the police, emergency services and businesses have to pay toll charges set by Dyfed County Council in 1993 under the Dyfed Act 1987 and inherited by this council in 1996.

Since moving into an accumulated surplus position, the council has used it to fund highways and transport expenditure with the effect of reducing the council’s net budget requirement and hence council tax. The accumulated surplus toll income, whatever amount it is, has therefore been spent.

During superficial consideration at the Economy O&S Committee on April 27, the point was made that the bridge was never intended to be a cash cow for the council.

The application of the estimated 2016/17 £1,905,000 bridge surplus to other highways expenditure has the effect of reducing council tax payable at Band A by £23.60, Band B by £27.54, Band C by £31.47, Band D by £35.41, Band E by £43.27,Band F by £51.01, Band G £58.01, Band H by £70.81, and Band I by £82.62. Businesses and others do not receive any such benefit.

The council with “the lowest council tax in Wales” is keen to continue these council tax benefits for those who may not even use the bridge, while regular toll payers may consider that they are being overcharged. The use of toll income in this way may be considered lawful by some in the council, but it is not fair and does not reflect the spirit of the governing Dyfed Act 1987.

