PEMBROKESHIRE County Council were not exactly honest in there reply to you about Cosheston children not being eligible for free school transport. Yes they live within walking distance to the school, but under legislation 444 (home to school transport) of the Education Act 1976 (revised 2008) if a route within the walking distance is unsafe/unavailable free transport must also be provided. This section of the legislation P.C.C fail to comply with county wide. After seeing a child having to jump into a hedge walking from Crundale a couple of months ago, I have been in touch with the transport Dept. But as these are not my children I can go no further. The local authority is in place to collect taxes, provide services and enforce laws, is it not then amazing a law that is in place to safeguard children, our council fails to comply with?

Not every parent work 9 to 5, not every parent can drive, and some households cannot afford public transport. So come on P.C.C keep our children safe and start complying with the law.

Paul Absalom

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