I AM writing to express my many thanks to all those who have contacted me and sent me best wishes following my recent accident. These sentiments have been very much appreciated.

I would also like to take this opportunity of thanking all those at Withybush Hospital who looked after me so magnificently following the accident, in particular of course my brilliant surgeon Mr Sadai V Appan who put me together again, the ambulance crew who took me to the hospital in the first place and all the amazing and caring staff on Ward 3 who put me so effectively onto the road to recovery.

And locally I have to thank firstly the kind Dutch holiday couple outside the shop who initially came to my assistance, all the other people who rallied round, and in particular the clerk of our council, Heidi Gray, who got things organised and arranged for our newly-formed Co-responders unit to come to my help.

They were fantastic, measuring up so well to all those expectations which we have of our new organisation. My thanks to them, and in particular Tim Foster and Steve Brambly for all that they did to assist me.

I should also like to thank my deputy Cllr Bethan Price for so effectively stepping into the breach at the city council, and also all those other councillors who have helped to keep everything running effectively during my absence, and of course our clerk and Responsible Financial Officer, Paul Evans.

All being well, I shall hope to be able to return to my mayoral responsibilities at the beginning of September.


St Davids