SENIOR positions will not be advertised or appointed without input from Full Council following approval of a notice of motion put forward by the Labour group.

Cllr Paul Miller called for Pembrokeshire County Council to amend the delegated authority of the head of paid service, formerly Bryn parry-Jones, and make a requirement that the senior staff committee consider the “creation, re-designation or redundancy of any chief officer post, prior to implementation or advertising”.

The committee would also consider the terms and conditions of a post with an overall pay package of more than £100,000 as well as those below that threshold.

Cllr Miller wanted assurance that councillors would have greater oversight if changes were made to a senior role whether in terms of job description or pay.

“Fundamental changes are needed for oversight and senior pay,” he added.

Thirty-two councillors voted in favour of the recommendation made by officers and 25, including leader Cllr Jamie Adams, voted against.

The recommendation stated that the notice of motion be adopted “but only to the extent of prior consideration of changes affecting chief officer posts, and their terms and conditions, continuing to be by the Senior Staff Committee in relation to posts up to £100,000 total remuneration, and, in future, by council in relation to posts above £100,000 total remuneration”.

It adds that member oversight will be further enabled by council consideration and approval of the terms and conditions to apply to new appointments where the total salary package matches or exceeds £100,000 and this be extended beyond 2014-15.