PLANS to develop an 11 hectare solar park near Crundale have been unanimously approved by councillors.

The application for land north of Fenton Home Farm was discussed by the Planning and Rights of Way Committee on Tuesday, November 4.

It came with a recommendation for approval subject to a host of conditions, including the standard five years start to development.

The solar park would be made up of photovoltaic panels grouped together in frames and set out in rows. Once operational it would generate enough electricity to power 1,700 homes per year.

The applicant’s agent Debbie Marriage addressed the committee.

She said: “For a solar farm this proposal is relatively small.

“We chose the fields because they are well screened by hedge banks. The solar farm would only be visible from three field gates and a short section of the bridleway where it crosses the railway line to the west.

“We were very pleased your officer agreed with the conclusions of our landscape and visual analysis.

“He stated in his report that the site is discreet and well screened such that the visual impact would be of minor significance.

“I understand that as a committee you have seen many solar farms and that cumulative impact around Haverfordwest is a concern to some.

“There is only one route along lanes and public paths where there could theoretically be a sequential view.

Mrs Marriage added: “The proposal will not have a detrimental effect on the countryside or anyone’s enjoyment of it.”