PEMBROKE & Monkton History Society's quiz night once again proved very popular, with the winning team, 'Nine Inch Snails', worthy winners against great opposition.

Society Chairman Linda Asman extended thanks to all who attended to make the event such a great success, to the ladies of the committee for the superb buffet, and to Rachel Norman and Diana Williams for the raffle.

In all £240 was raised for Society funds.

The next quiz night will take place on Friday, March 16 at Monkton Church Hall, 7.30pm. Tickets at the door cost just £4 which includes a buffet. You may bring your own bottle if you wish.

The next history society event will take place in Pembroke Town Hall on Saturday morning February 3 from 10am. This will be a joint event with West Wales Maritime Heritage Society, celebrating the ‘Year of the Sea’ with a programme of two talks.

First, Ted Goddard will be talking about the ‘Early Years of the Dockyard’, then David James will be sharing ‘Memories of the Warrior’.

The society is hoping for contributions to this so come along and share your memories and photographs if you have any.

The free event will commence at 10am and there will be a break for coffee and cake in between talks.