I WROTE some time ago about British Columbia. It has a population of 5.11 million.

The latest Covid statistics are 3,128 confirmed cases with 2,730 recovered and 189 deaths. There has been no lockdown, only restrictions and social distancing.

The Principle Health Officer, Dr Bonnie Henry, had a simple message at the beginning of the crisis – “Be kind to one another.”

We have seen a great deal of kindness from so many people during this crisis. Let us hope that it continues in the days and years ahead.

St Paul, in his letter to the Galatians chapter 5 verse 22, lists nine fruits of the Spirit, although he calls them the “fruit” of the Spirit. I presume that he means we should practice all of them. One of these fruits, in the Good News Bible, is kindness.

Again, Paul, in Colossians 3 verse 12 says that a follower of Christ should show “compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience.”

A soldier’s letter from the Crimea War has this excerpt: “What a comfort it was to see Florence Nightingale pass by! She would speak to one and nod to another. She could not do it to all, you know, for we were lying there by hundreds, but we could kiss her shadow as it fell, and lay our heads on the pillow again, content.”

In the second epistle of Peter chapter 1 vv 5-7, the writer encourages the followers of Jesus to show many qualities. One of these is kindness. It is translated into Welsh as “frawdgarwch”.

Dyma Pedr yn annog y saint cynnar yr oedd yn ysgrifennu atynt I dyfu ac I aeddfedu o’u ffydd gychwynnol yng Ngrist i fod yn llawen o ffrwythau ysbrydol melus hefyd, yn arbennig cariad. Y gair Groeg am brawdgarwch yw “Philadelphia”. Hoffter tyner at bob cyd-Gristion. ( Fe allwn ninnau dwneud “at bob person”) Yr un Tad, yr un teulu a’r un cartref sydd gennym.

Mother Teresa is quoted as saying: “Be kind and merciful. Let no one ever come to you without coming away better and happier. Be the living expression of God’s kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting.

"In the slums we are the light of God’s kindness to the poor. To the children, to the poor, to all who suffer and are lonely, give always, a happy smile - give them not only your care but also your heart.”


Cofiwn, Arglwydd, mae un arwydd fod dy Ysbryd ar waith yn ein calonnau yw ein bod yn dangos caredigrwydd yn ein hymwneud a phobl eraill. Eto, mor aml rydym wedi llefaru gair angharedig,ac wedi bod yn ddifeddwl pan oeddem yn siarad â phobl eraill ac am bobl eraill.

Caniatâ i ni dy Ysbryd, fel bo caredigrwydd yn lliwio’r cyfan a wnawn, fel bo’n bywydau yn adlewyrchu gwir ysbryd Iesu, a oedd yn garedig wrth bawb, a garai’r da a’r drwg, cyfoethog a thlawd, cyfeill a dieithryn ac felly’n peri iddynt weld mai cariad yw Duw.

May everything that we do be coloured with kindness. Forgive us for any unkind words that we have uttered and help us to show the true Spirit of Jesus to everyone we meet, whether they are good or bad, rich or poor, a friend or a stranger. Help us to show them that God is love. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Rev John Powell

Retired vicar of Cardigan