Four fantastic pieces of artwork have been donated for the staff areas of Withybush Hospital.

The pieces are the work of four west Wales artists - Amanda Blake, Kate Kekwick, Siân Lester and Sarah Poland – who wanted to say thank you to the Withybush Hospital staff for all their work and commitment during these tough times.

Western Telegraph:

The framed, abstract works on paper of local flora and fauna are to be hung in staff rest areas.

Artist and tutor Amanda Blake’s piece, called ‘Gingko Biloba’, is the first of a set of drawings of leaves collected in her local woods, featuring traditional high carat gold leaf.

Western Telegraph:

Print designer Kate Kekwick’s work, called ‘Peacock in Nettle’, shows a butterfly printed with colour made from nettle.

Textile artist Siân Lester’s donation, called ‘Tend Your Inner Woodland- Usnea Rubicunda’, is one of a series of drawings featuring lichen and lungs.

Painter Sarah Poland’s gift, called ‘Boundaries’, shows an image referring to the bark of a native ash tree and its inner rings.

Western Telegraph:

Amanda said that she and the other three artists, all of whom are based in Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire, are connected by their love of nature.

“We wanted to create something inspired by nature that we hope can bring some uplift, but also show our deepest and ongoing gratitude for all your work and commitment in these hard times,” Amanda and the other artists said to Withybush Hospital staff in a letter of thanks.

Western Telegraph:

Staff at Withybush Hospital said they are thrilled with the pieces, which will give them a boost when they take breaks in their staff rooms.

Withybush Hospital Director Andrew Burns said they were very grateful for the artwork donation.

Western Telegraph:

“It is wonderful that staff are being thought of in these challenging times and the artwork will brighten up the rest areas at Withybush Hospital and give staff a lift,” he said.