Services providing support for young people in Pembrokeshire have been awarded with yet another Silver Quality Mark.

The award, jointly administered on behalf of Welsh Government by the Education Workforce Council and Education Training Standards Cymru, recognises the team’s high quality provision for young people, as they aim to emulate the Gold Quality Mark attained in 2018.

Pembrokeshire County Council offer workshops, holiday programmes, educational support and more for 11-25 year olds, through their Youth Service team.

James White, Pembrokeshire County Council’s Deputy Chief Education Officer, said:

“Three years ago, we were only the second local authority youth service in Wales to achieve the Gold Quality Mark for youth work.”

“This award is another milestone in being reaccredited for that standard, and as always I am proud of Pembrokeshire Youth and all its achievements.”

“My particular thanks go to Liz Griffiths, as the project lead for this.”

The Quality Mark was developed by Welsh Government to support youth services to identify their strengths and areas for development, across a set of nationally recognised standards.

The Silver Quality Mark focuses on a range of aspects including a service’s promotion of equality and diversity, that its work is planned to meet young people’s needs, makes an impact on their outcomes and is delivered by an appropriately qualified workforce, and that the service involves young people in decision-making.