One of Pembrokeshire’s new generation of Women's Institutes has marked its first summer in style.

Narbelles WI, based in Narberth, was formed last November following the demise of the town’s long-standing WI branch.

The new WI, which holds evening meetings to attract people working or caring for children in the day, stepped out in food-themed costumes at July’s Narberth Carnival, raising money and awareness for their chosen charity, Narberth Foodbank.

The carnival marked the start of “a great first summer,” said a Narbelles spokesperson.

“There was no regular meeting in August, as is WI tradition, however we enjoyed a lovely, sunny day trip to Tenby and later in the month, we celebrated our chair's birthday with an evening out.

Narbelles on tour!Narbelles on tour! (Image: Narbelles WI)

"This month, we shall be exploring the Craft Festival Wales at Cardigan Castle and our regular meetings, on the second Thursday of each month, will restart.

“At our next meeting, on Thursday September 12, we are looking forward to a guest speaker from Pant Mawr Farmhouse Cheese.

“We meet from 7pm until 9pm, on the second Thursday of the month, at Bethesda Baptist Church Hall, High St, Narberth SA67 7AP.

“We are a friendly group, with fun activities for women of all ages.

“And the first three visits for non-members are free, giving the chance to try before paying a subscription.”