A letter from Dr Jonathan F Dean

Dear Editor

What fabulous news that Wales is now number two in the world for recycling, behind only Austria. It goes to show that a common waste strategy across the whole nation, coupled with implementation by local authorities, really can work.

As the First Minister, Vaughan Gething, said: “This shows what we can achieve when people across Wales work together to deliver against ambitious targets, backed up by investment in our infrastructure”, and Climate Change Cabinet Secretary Huw Irranca-Davies added: “It also helps us tackle the climate and nature emergencies by reducing our carbon emissions”.

It is such a shame that this approach is not being taken to reach other climate targets such as renewable energy generation.

By totally ignoring and excluding our vast wealth of offshore resources, and focusing exclusively on onshore wind and solar, which will ever be enough to meet our targets, the Welsh Government is tarnishing our reputation while ruining landscapes, the countryside and the lives of those who live there.

Come on Huw, we can do better than this!

Dr Jonathan F Dean, Llanerchymedd