As Chair of the Assembly Cross Party group on Epilepsy I recently sponsored an event in the Senedd to mark National Epilespsy Week. This event was an opportunity to raise awareness of the issue because understanding of the condition is not only low among the general public but also among politicians. A recent survey carried out in 2007 found that almost 90 per cent of MPs questioned did not know how many people in the UK have epilepsy and a further 45 per cent of the MPs questioned admitted they had “no idea” how many people have the condition. This lack of awareness is worrying and if we want to improve the services for the 456,000 people who have the condition in the UK we need to make sure that people are aware and understand the condition fully.

Although these figures are a concern I do however feel that here in Wales we are leading the way on this issue. Only last year the Health Minister announced new plans to improve the care for people with epilespsy in Wales which included measures to reduce the incidence of epilepsy, help people to self-manage their condition and provide more care closer to people’s homes which of course reduces the likelihood of hospital admission. Of course there is a lot more that can and should be done but it is reassuring to know that the Welsh Government is taking the issue seriously and by holding events like the one we did this week we are bringing the condition to the top of the political agenda. The event was very well attended and I was extremely pleased to be able to speak with my constituents and hear their personal experiences. Over 140 constituents and nearly half of AM’s attended – nothing like knowing that a constituent of yours is in the Assembly and wanting to see you to increase the attendance of AM’s!