Over the past few weeks I’ve had the pleasure of visiting many local agricultural shows. There is no doubt that this is a difficult economic period for everybody but the mood and the turnout at these shows have been excellent. People within the agricultural sector are looking towards the future with optimism and what has also become apparent is that people are extremely pleased with the work and policies introduced by the Rural Affairs Minister Elin Jones.

It was during the Royal Welsh that the Minister, Elin Jones announced a new scheme to help young farmers and new entrants to farming. The Welsh Assembly Government scheme is worth £2 million and will provide grants and business support. This assistance package will include a one off direct aid grant up to a maximum of £15,000; access to a dedicated Young Entrants’ Business Enabler service and access to funded mentoring services from established farmers. Evidence suggests that there are between 100 and 200 young entrants taking over the running of farming businesses in Wales each year. This rate needs to increase significantly if the industry is to thrive and this new scheme will ensure that this happens. Farmers across Pembrokeshire tell me regularly of their concern for the future of their farms due to the lack of support and assistance for their children or grandchildren in starting farming and I’m pleased that Plaid in Government has listened to these concerns and is taking action.

The feedback I’ve been getting from people who work in the agricultural industry in the summer shows has been highly positive. In these economically difficult times, Plaid’s Rural Affairs Minister is committed to ensuring that the voice of rural Wales is heard and the needs of our countryside are met in ways which reflect the particular conditions and characteristics of rural Wales. As a party we have a number of campaigns which we are currently fighting to ensure the best deal for our rural areas. We are committed to eradicating bovine TB and this has been backed by £27 million worth of funding. We are also committed to increasing support for farmers’ markets and to also ensure that essential dwellings in the countryside include those for rural enterprise workers.

For the first time since the Assembly was established what we are seeing is a Minister who understands the needs of those living in rural Wales and because of that people are appreciating the efforts of this Plaid driven Government. As a party we are committed to achieving a more profitable future for farming, while producing quality food as well as safeguarding the environment. If anybody would like more information regarding the new entrants to farming scheme you’re welcome to contact my office on 01267 234 467