I was very concerned to see the latest figures which show the current number of patients in Pembrokeshire awaiting a kidney transplant. In Pembrokeshire there are 15 patients on the active transplant waiting list, and a further 5 on the suspended list.

We need to see the donation system drastically changed in Wales and would like the Welsh Government to adopt a ‘presumed consent’ approach to organ donation. This would then enable people to opt –out of organ donation rather than having to opt-in as is the case at the moment.

In Pembrokeshire, 29% of the population are already on the Organ Donor Register, but we need to increase this. The figures are similar all over Wales and highlight the desperate need for more organ donors to register. We simply can’t ignore the ever increasing figures of patients on waiting lists for organ donations. Joining the organ donation register is a selfless act of kindness which can save many lives and offer new hope for potentially thousands of families across the country.

I have no doubt that thousands more lives would be saved if this new system would be put in place.