I was pleased to hear the recent announcement by the One Wales Government to apply for the powers to bring about a system of soft-presumed consent for organ donation in Wales. The announcement is a result of years of campaigning by organisations and individuals throughout Wales.

Currently up to 500 people in Wales are listed for a transplant, the majority waiting for a new kidney. In Pembrokeshire there are 15 patients waiting for a kidney on the active transplant waiting list, and a further 5 on the suspended list. This statement of principle by the One Wales Government is a key milestone in our attempts to bring about a system of presumed consent in Wales. This means that if the request for power is successful, then we in Wales could take a lead and introduce a system whereby individuals would have to opt out of an organ donation system, as opposed to the current situation of having to opt-in. This statement follows an in-depth consultation process undertaken by the Assembly Government across Wales involving key organisations and individuals. Research suggests that 90 percent of the general population are in favour of organ donation, yet recent figures show that only 28 percent actually get round to doing anything about it by signing up as an organ donor.

Anybody wanting to sign up to the organ donor register can do so by visiting www.donatewales.org or by calling the NHS Organ Donor Line: 0845 60 60 400 - lines open 24 hours, 365 days a year.

We must now start to bridge the gap between people wanting to sign up and those actually doing it. Every one of us has the power to send a message of hope and support to patients in Wales by joining the Organ Donor Register. I have, and I would urge you to take two minutes to sign-up. The brutal reality is that people in Wales are dying as a result and unless more people take that all important vital step of signing-up and telling their loved ones about their wishes then more and more people will needlessly die waiting for a transplant.

Far too many families in Wales are watching a brother, sister, mother or father waiting for a life-saving transplant, when the answer is staring us in the face. We need more organ donors, and presumed consent is proven to work.