Figures on the number of people that died because of winter conditions last year were published recently - showing a shocking rise of 74%. Provisional figures for winter 2008 – 2009 note that there were 2,500 "excess winter deaths” heating bills. Considering we’ve had the coldest winter for over twenty years this year the number of people dying because of winter conditions, sadly, looks set to rise even higher. We cannot ignore this proof that there is a very real link between not being able to afford to pay for heating bills (or fuel poverty as it's known) and ill-health, and death among our pensioners and those who are most vulnerable in our society We have seen f fuel prices soar in recent years and yet the UK Government still refuses to intervene at all. It is unacceptable in this day and age that old and vulnerable people have to worry about whether they can afford to heat their homes. Unfortunately this is the reality for far too many people during these winter months.

According to the Older People’s Commissioner annual report, older people are facing the choice between heating their homes and buying food. The report also states that they are in desperate need of an increase in their basic pensioŋ help them have a reasonable quality of life.

Plaid has shown clearly that this needs to be urgently addressed. This week we've announced one of our key pledges for the forthcoming election - to establish a Living Pensioŋ, which would bring the pensioŋ received up to the level of the current pensioŋ credit. This would be an increase of 30% on the current state pensioŋ.

Currently £5.4bn of benefits for older people is left unclaimed in the UK each year because pensioners find the process of applying for pensioŋ credits complicated. With fuel bills set to raise 60% over the next six years it is abundantly clear that our pensioners cannot afford to wait until the Treasury’s debt has been cleared before getting a decent pensioŋ. By raising the basic state pensioŋ to the level of the pensioŋ credit and making it universal for all citizens, thousands of pensioners would be taken out of poverty This policy has been fully costed. Plaid is putting our communities first, prioritising help for our most vulnerable, while the London based parties prioritise tax breaks for the wealthy, nuclear weapons and ID cards. We want to see sufficient funding being made available to ensure that no Welsh pensioner has to suffer the indignity of living in poverty.