A CHARITY bowls tournament in Fishguard has helped raised more than £800 for Withybush Hospital’s Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU).

It was held at Fishguard and Goodwick Bowls Club at the end of August and organised by Stuart and Susan Jeremiah.

The winning team was the Fishguard Arms.

SCBU is a cause very close to their hearts as their granddaughter Louise was born prematurely and spent her first few days on the ward.

Stuart said: “I would like to thank everyone who turned up and took part in horrific weather. A special thanks to Richard Thomas and Idris Bray who helped me organise the event.”

Susan added: “If it wasn’t for SCBU our first granddaughter might not be here, so it’s a blessing really.

“I really hope it doesn’t close. I hope people will continue to fundraise for SCBU and if I get a chance I’ll do more again in the future.”