PEMBROKE and Pembroke Dock Town Councils have both finalised their precept requests for 2014/15, with Pembroke residents facing a minor increase in council tax.

Pembroke Town Council has requested slightly more than last year, with a precept of £139,150 for 2014/15, compared to £135,500 in 2013/14.

This will see residents pay an extra £1.23 per year on a band D property. The total for band D properties is £47.65.

Pembroke Dock Town Council has requested the same amount as 2013/14 at £150,720. This works out at £45.33 council tax for a band D property.

Town clerk Moira Jenkins said the money would be used to help improve the town.

“Although we have kept the precept the same, we have been able to make grants to lots of local community groups and also employ more staff to improve the look of the town and the Memorial Park,” she said.