Racial abuse and an unacceptable attitude has led to a Haverfordwest man being sent to prison for 15 weeks.

Daryl Matthew Stephens, 25, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to using racially aggravated threatening behaviour towards Ali Toyeb Rahman when he appeared before magistrates on Wednesday.

The case was originally listed for trial, before Stephens changed his plea, and three other charges were formally discontinued.

The court heard that Stephens was a former tenant of Mr Rahman, and there had been a dispute over the eviction process before he left the property.

Mr Rahman was buying supplies in the Spice Box, Haverfordwest, on June 18, when he heard someone shouting and swearing at him, and turned to see Stephens, who made a racist remark and stated he was going to smash his windows.

Abul Hussain, prosecuting, said: “Mr Rahman felt frightened as a result of the incident and called his son.  He was shaking so much that he could not drive.”

In a victim impact statement read to the court, Mr Rahman said: “I have been left feeling very upset and nervous since the incident.

“I have worked in Haverfordwest for 17 years and I have never had anything like this before. 

"I have never witnessed such verbal hostility.  His aggression was intense.”

Defending, Jonathan Webb told the court that Stephens was ‘not a racist’, and had been brought up the multi-cultural society of Bolton, with black and Asian friends.

He said: “There is a background to this. The victim attempted to evict Mr Stephens from the property and procedure had not been followed" he claimed.

“Tempers had become frayed.”

Mr Webb added that Stephens had admitted in interview that he probably had said the words alleged, but it was through anger and frustration.

He said: “This is just one occasion, in the height of anger, that he said something he regrets and apologises for.

“It was one utterance, and instantly regretted.”                                                                   

The probation service told magistrates that Stephens had stated he would probably breach any order imposed by the court, would be unable to complete unpaid work hours, and would not pay any compensation.

Magistrates sentenced Stephens to 15 weeks in custody, as a result of his attitude and the racially aggravated nature of the offence.

He was also ordered to pay £300 court costs and a £115 surcharge.