A POLITICIAN has demanded the entrance to Haverfordwest’s Welsh-medium school be made safer in the Senedd after meeting parents and listening to their worries.

Joyce Watson AM met concerned parents at the school gates of Ysgol Caer Elen on Monday, March 25, to hear their road safety issues.

Parents had asked her to come and witness school run traffic chaos, as they drop and collect their children near the 40mph Withybush Road.

After meeting the parents, Mrs Watson said: “Access to Ysgol Caer Elen is downright dangerous. I understand that no one was hurt in that incident, but it could have been fatal. I share parents’ concerns around safe access to the school.”


Crash outside the gates of Ysgol Caer Elen causes tailbacks

The new Welsh-medium school for three to 16-year-olds opened last September, and is located near the 50mph A40.

Mrs Watson was told of an incident involving a mother who turned her car into the school and was hit by an HGV, and then span in the road and smashed into the school’s gates.

She told parents she would put pressure on the council to calm traffic around the school entrance, as research shows that speed significantly increases the chance of injury in a collision.

Western Telegraph:

After the meeting she wrote to Pembrokeshire County Council and to the Welsh Government transport minister to pursue this.

She also raised the issue in the Senedd chamber with Business Minister Rebecca Evans on Tuesday, March 26.

Speaking in the National Assembly for Wales, Joyce Watson AM said: “To my mind, the need for a 20mph speed limit is obvious, along with other road calming measures, and also a safe place for children to cross that road.”

She added: “So I think Pembrokeshire Council has very serious questions to answer as to what safety assessments were carried out both prior to planning and through the construction phase – and to what extent they considered and applied Welsh Government guidance.”

Rebecca Evans said officials have been in touch with Pembrokeshire Council, and will update Mrs Watson on their discussions.