Pembrokeshire singers have formed part of a massive choir which has recently released a CD in aid of the NHS.

The 11,000 strong Gareth Malone's Great British Home Chorus, rehearsed every week joining in rehearsals from their living rooms across the country.

One of the participants was Theresa Arkle, from The Rhos. Theresa is a keen member of Pembrokeshire's Singing for Fun groups and was missing the camaraderie of singing with a choir.

"I joined the choir as soon as Gareth started his online rehearsals on YouTube, as I knew I was going to miss Singing for Fun," she said. "There were 55 rehearsals and I never missed one.

"It has been a most wonderful experience and has helped me and many others cope through such extraordinarily sad times."

The Great British Home Chorus has brought people together across Pembrokeshire, the rest of Wales, the rest of the UK and around the world.

"The members of the choir came together in song and laughter, supporting one another through harrowing times, uplifting spirits especially for those living on their own," said Theresa.

"Gareth's sense of fun, his unique way of teaching us the songs, doing hysterical vocal warm-ups, making the backing tracks and his encouragement to help us to sing, has been amazing. "

When Gareth told choir members that Decca Records was interested in releasing a CD of their singing they were delighted.

"We listened and learnt from Gareth and with his fun teaching skills many of us were able to record ourselves singing and then sent in our recordings," said Theresa. "This was not as easy as it sounds, encountering many technical difficulties along the way, but we did achieve some wonderful recordings - all 11,000 of us."

The CD features recordings of You Are My Sunshine, I'm Still Standing, Ordinary World, Somewhere Only We Know.

The London Symphony Orchestra also offered to add to the CD and recorded an arrangement of You Are My Sunshine as well.

Gareth Malone and the Great British Home Chorus EP CD was released on Decca Records last Friday, July 31, with all proceeds going to NHS Charities Together.

The CD can be purchased from and costs £7.94 inc P&P.