Dwr Cymru Welsh Water has been tackling blocked pipes in Haverfordwest after residents flushed wipes.

Wipes do not break down like toilet paper, leading to blockages that can spill up onto the street.

A Welsh Water spokesperson said: "Flushed wipes block pipes.

"That's why we’ve been tackling incidents in Haverfordwest.

"You can help Stop the Block; wipes belong in the bin."

Welsh Water's website gives advice on stopping blockages like this, they said: "Just a single wet wipe is enough to start a blockage in your sewer pipe and risks causing catastrophic flooding in your home resulting in significant distress and cost.

Adding: "Don't risk a flood. Take action now.

"Throw all wipes, cotton buds and sanitary products away in the bin.

"Dispose of fat, oil and grease responsibly instead of pouring it down the sink."

Pembrokeshire County Councillor, Thomas Tudor, councillor for the Castle Ward of Haverfordwest said: "Please, everyone be responsible and put your used wet wipes in the bin, not down the toilet."