POLICE patrols in Tenby will be increased this weekend, following reports of clashes between groups of youths over the Easter bank holiday.

Dyfed-Powys Police said that, over Easter, officers broke up groups of between 15 and 20 young people. There were also reports of underage drinking.

Police said that many of the groups behaving in an antisocial way had travelled to the resort by train and that this weekend trains and Tenby station will also be monitored closely.

Over the Easter bank holiday officers seized alcohol from young people, moved them on and prevented clashes between groups from escalating.

Sgt Stuart Wheeler said that there was concern from the Tenby community and that police were 'keen to avoid a repeat of this behaviour'.

"This type of behaviour is distressing for people living and working in Tenby," he said.

"We understand that the past few months have been difficult, and that children want to see their friends, but remember that only six people from two households can meet outdoors still.

"Please do your best to ensure they [your children] are adhering to regulations that are in place for all our safety."

The new measures come as part of a joint operation with and British Transport Police and Pembrokeshire County Council licensing officers to address and prevent any further gatherings this weekend.

Measures in place this weekend and continuing into the season will include high visibility patrols in the area, covering areas known to be popular with youngsters, ensuring underage children cannot buy alcohol and patrolling the railway network.

Police are also appealing to parents and carers to know where their children are and urging them "to be accountable for children's actions.