The temporary traffic lights next to Golden Grove School are causing unwanted obstructions in Pembroke.

In a monthly town council meeting Cllr Jonathan Grimes said: " I timed how long it took from me pressing the walkway button to the lights going red for oncoming cars, and it only took 15 seconds."

Such a short space of time for the lights to change in favour of the pedestrian means that when more people want to cross the road it creates a backlog of traffic for the cars.

Members of the public have come forward to say they noticed an increased amount of traffic around 9am and 3pm, when children were heading to and from Golden Grove school.

Next week the traffic lights are set to be updated with a sensor version meaning that if a pedestrian decides to leave after pressing the button the lights will not change.

This will be the second time Pembrokeshire County Council have changed the temporary traffic light system at this location, in preparation for permanent ones to be put in place sometime this year.