Fishguard and Goodwick’s frontline workers were publicly thanked last Monday, July 5, during a national day of recognition, dedicated to those who continued to serve our communities, regardless of their own personal circumstances during the coronavirus pandemic.

The Town Council raised the dedicated NHS flag to all of these workers at 11am at the flag posts on the Parrog in Goodwick, prayers were said by Rev Christopher Brown and Mayor Jackie Stokes made a speech.

“Thank you from our community to all the NHS workers, doctors, nurses, community nurses all those that kept us safe both on land and sea,” she said.

“Thank you also to retail workers who kept our shelves stocked with food, truck drivers who got that food to the shops, charity schemes and food banks helping those in need.

“Thank you to our community volunteers the community has come together greatly during this awful time.

“For all of you that carried on safely working during this pandemic. We owe you gratitude and thanks.”