A proposal to press Welsh Government to provide air filtration systems for Pembrokeshire’s schools fight Covid-19 was supported in part by the council’s cabinet.

A Notice of Motion put forward by Cllr Michael Williams has been referred to cabinet by full council after schools reopened in September “with no remedial mechanisms in place to protect pupils and staff.”

He added that High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters and ultraviolet based devices should be urgently considered, tendered and funded to protect children and staff.

At cabinet on Monday, November 29, Cllr Guy Woodham presented a report which highlighted there was “little evidence to indicate that schools are the source of significant spread of infection,” and there were existing robust control measures.

Schools reopening and reducing restrictions did mean there was increased mixing and infections among children but “reopening decisions are a difficult trade-off between epidemiological consequences and the emotional, educational and developmental needs of children".

A Welsh Government grant of £82,000 has been received after it decided not to invest in ozone technology, and CO2 monitors for every classroom is being rolled out with many schools using natural ventilation to reduced levels.

“The efficacy of solutions to SARsS- CoV-2 such as UV-C and HEPA filtration does not have comprehensive practical guidance currently available to enable technical officers to provide advice on this matter, and as such it is considered that this should be assessed for suitability at a national level by Welsh Government,” the report adds.

Cabinet supported the NoM in part, and agreed that the council press for “clear practical guidance on the efficacy of solutions to SARsS- CoV-2 such as UV-C and HEPA filtration. Subject to this guidance, that WG provide resources and funding for any measures to implement this guidance".

Cllr Williams said he accept this as a “step forward” however, he considers CO2 monitors to be like “sending the canary down the coal mine,” as it notified of but did not address air quality issues.