More than 2,000 crimes were committed in Haverfordwest across the whole of 2021, according to the latest statistics from Police.UK

The latest statistics shown show that 2,165 crimes were reported within the town’s five regions (Castle, Prendergast, Priory, Garth and Portfield) across the calendar year.

Of the five regions, Castle Ward proved to be the most crime-heavy, with 828 (38.2 per cent) crimes reported in that area in 2021.

Meanwhile, Priory was the most peaceful area of the county town, as 216 crimes (9.97 per cent) of the town’s crimes were committed there.

Violence or sexual offences represented the highest proportion of crimes committed in the town across the year, with 943 (43.5 per cent) crimes of that type reported.

Anti-social behaviour was the second most common with 429 reports (19.8 per cent) and public order offences was the third most common (241 – 11.1 per cent).