A Pembrokeshire animal sanctuary fears that many thousands of pounds worth of damage have been caused by 'chainsaw' winds from Storm Eunice which ripped through its buildings yesterday, Friday February 18.

Greenacres Rescue has now launched a financial appeal to help put the centre at Talbenny back to rights.

More than £4,500 has been raised in less than 24 hours.

Fortunately, none of the animals or people at the centre were hurt in the incident.

The Greenacres team reported the centre's plight in an emotional post on Facebook, and has since thanked all its supporters who have rallied round with practical and financial help.

The centre said on Friday: "Today, Storm Eunice has caused devastation and destruction at Greenacres.

"We began the day quite positive thinking things were not going to be as severe as we thought.

"We had already made some preparations to help and make sure the animals where safe.

"But at 10am, the wind reached speeds that ripped through the centre like a chainsaw.

"Our static caravan, which is our main office, was completely torn apart, the roof peeled off and became extremely hazardous.

"The stable roof just disappeared, lifting and flying off. Rabbit housing and our goose house blew around the centre like they were dolls houses.

"We have never seen anything like it. 

"Thankfully, due to our already laid plans and the quick thinking of our staff and volunteers, no person or animal was injured.

"To be perfectly honest, it’s miraculous someone wasn’t seriously hurt, but our wonderful team kept it together.

"The animal housing damage means less space and the office means the whole caravan had to be emptied and stored, this is all of our administrative and office equipment, all of our auction prizes and fundraising equipment.

"Sadly, some was lost in the awful hour we tried our best to save as much as we could.

"We have contacted our insurance company and are awaiting a response as whether this nature damage is covered, but we have tens of thousands of pounds worth of damage and weeks/months of inconvenience."

"A serious set back for us 😢 We must be thankful that no person or animal was hurt and this is all replaceable.

"Many kind offers came in today to help but we felt keeping the team small was best, less lives at risk and meant we could just get on making things safe.

"If we need any specific help we will ask on our pages, we do have a wonderful team of talented volunteers so most trades are covered.

"If anyone feels they can help us raise some funds to elevate the financial stress of this situation we would be very grateful, this level of devastation and cost could be massively detrimental to our impact on helping animals if we cannot cover this expenditure.

"Ways to donate: via the Facebook donate below. This is a secure and safe way to donate and we receive 100% of your donation. We can also apply Gift Aid if you give the correct information needed to claim.

"Direct to our bank: HSBC. A/C 01580299 Sort Code: 40-23-21.

"Via PayPal: paypal.com/gb/fundraiser/charity/129520 Cheques to: Greenacres Rescue, Talbenny, Haverfordwest SA62 3XA.

"Today has been simply horrendous and very stressful, we really hope the worst is behind us.

"Thank you all for your kindness ❤️ The Greenacres Team 💚."