A village’s bookworms have gained two spaces where they can propel themselves into literary heaven.

In a new chapter for Llanteg, a book swap has been created in a disused phone box, while a community library lounge has opened in its own room in the village hall.

The tandem schemes have developed with support from the Co-operative Community Fund and Milford Haven Port Authority as well as local donations.

And both aspects were realised in time for World Book Day on March 3.

The Little Library is housed in telephone box donated by Cllr and Mrs Tony Baron at Llanteglos, which was then fitted out by local resident Jimmy Taylor.

It was soon up and running, thanks to the donation of books by villagers.

Anyone can come along and choose a book, ideally swapping with one they bring along, but if just passing and a book catches the eye, then they are free to take it.

The Little Library was finished with a custom decal from local company Signspeed just in time for World Book Day.

Llanteg Community Library then opened its doors on Wednesday March 2, again with books donated by local residents.

Books of all genres are on the shelves, from political biographies to books for toddlers, romantic fiction to gardening manuals.

The community library is manned by volunteers and currently is open for three sessions per week, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.