PEOPLE in the nearby areas of Castlemartin and Manobier Ranges are advised that they are likely to hear gunfire on a number of occasions in May and see an increase in military presence.

The Ministry of Defence have highlighted that there will be a number of firing exercises taking place at both the Castlemartin and Manobier ranges throughout the month of May and that there will be road closures in place.

Firing is scheduled to take place on the following dates:

Castlemartin: May 3-6, 9-13, 30-31 between 9.30am and 4.30pm.

Manobier: May 3-31 between 9.30am and 4.30pm excluding weekends.

There will also be some night firing taking place at Castlemartin between 6.30pm and 11.30pm on May 3, 5, 10, 12, 30 and 31.

There will be no night firing at Manobier.

Unscheduled firing may also take place at the Castlemartin range without prior warning.

During these firing times, a number of areas will be off-limits to civilians, including ‘danger areas’ outside of the firing times.

The road from Bosherton to St Govan’s Chapel, the footpath from St Govan’s Head to Broadhaven, the Stack Rocks Road and footpath from Stack Rocks to St Govans will be closed on May 3-6, 9-13, 30-31.

The Pembrokeshire Coast Path that passes through the Eastern side of the Castlemartin range will be open on the non-firing days but anyone using this must stick to the marked footpath and the road which are marked with white posts.

The Ministry of Defence have also warned that access to the rest of the range is off limits to the public.

If the schedule changes, the road restrictions will be relaxed, and the public are advised there will be heavy vehicle movement on local roads.


The ‘range danger area’ will be patrolled by serving military staff on non-firing times and all military staff including those in training have been briefed to challenge any civilians they see on the range.

The Ministry of Defence advise that action will be taken using both civilian and military police should anyone be on the range unauthorised.

There is also a warning to not touch any items found on the range, nearby beaches or in the sea and anyone who does spot any, should contact either of the following:

Warren Tower (Monday to Friday) – 01646 662336

Range Office (working hours) – 01646 662496 or 01646 662225

Guard Room (out of hours) – 01646 662280.

The firing programme can change at any time. If you would like to find out whether the firing programme is taking place at specific points, you can call 01646 662367 from 8.15am daily to find out the latest on the firing programme.