A Pembrokeshire woman has admitted using threatening behaviour with an intent to cause fear.

Karen Harper, 54, of Birch Mead, The Mount Estate, Milford Haven, appeared at Swansea Magistrates Court on Saturday, July 9.

She admitted to using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to cause fear of or provoke unlawful violence.


The court heard that Harper used such behaviour on July 7 this year in Haverfordwest.

Harper entered a guilty plea and was remanded on bail until the sentencing date of July 13 so that a pre-sentence report can be prepared.

In the meantime, Harper is to keep a curfew between 6pm and 7am daily and must live and sleep at her home address.

She must present herself to a police officer who asks to see her between the times of her curfew and must not enter a named pub in Haverfordwest.