Safe Haven campaigner Rodney Maile will appear in front of the European Parliament tomorrow (Wednesday), outlining his concerns about the LNG terminals in Pembrokeshire.

Rodney Maile, will join other campaigners who believe European directives have been breached by the building of the natural gas pipeline across Wales.

Campaigners made an initial submission to the European Parliament committee of petitions last December and Wednesday is an opportunity to provide more information.

"I spoke for five minutes at the committee in December and this week I will discuss the petition further. I believe we have a legitimate case against the UK Government and the developers," said Mr Maile.

After Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans met the protesters last December she said that the commission will now look into seven possible breaches of European directives.

These include directives on public access to information about the environment; conservation of wild flora and fauna; the prevention of major industrial actions and the internal market in gas.