As fire tenders grappled with the final traces of smoke following Monday morning’s devastating fire that ripped through Manorbier VC School, concern is mounting over whether the historic school will be able to re-open.

Fire cut through the 180-year-old rafters within minutes, sending the entire roof crashing to the ground.

The fire broke out just before 11am, which meant that the classrooms were filled with pupils and their teachers.

Fortunately all 35 children were safely evacuated within minutes and taken to the nearby Ridgeway Park Caravan Park from where they were collected by their parents.


“Our school has burnt down but things could have been so very different and we’re just so grateful that nobody has been hurt,” said headteacher Sharon Davies.

“The children were absolutely amazing this morning and the way in which they coped with the trauma was incredible and proved that all their fire drill practise has paid off.

“The staff got them out of the building so quickly that I don’t think they even realised what was happening, and this was a blessing. They didn’t see the fire taking hold so this is going to help them enormously in coming to terms with what has happened today at the school.”

Counsellors are expected to be onhand in the coming days and weeks to support pupils and staff if needed.

The fire is believed to have broken out on the roof where a construction team was carrying out repairs. A section of bitumen is reported to have caught fire and because of the age and dryness of the rafter timbers, the fire rapidly spread throughout the building and into the adjoining Church House.  This property, too, has suffered severe damage.

Now locals are wondering whether the historic Manorbier landmark is beyond redemption after the stone walls have been reduced to a substandard condition as a result of the heat.

“Our main concern now is for the school's future,” said vice-chairman of Manorbier Community Council, Rob Hull.

“Two years ago were given the option of either retaining a teacher or the school minibus. Naturally we retained the teacher but this is the position that we’re currently finding ourselves in. And given the extent of the fire damage, there’s a great deal of uncertainty about whether the school will be able to be rebuilt.”

But Cllr Hull went on to say that two major construction developments in Manorbier and the nearby village of Jameston will necessitate a local school with the inevitable increase of children.

“The numbers of children attending the school aren’t particularly high at the moment but this is going to change with all the new developments that are taking place. So Manorbier VC School will be needed more than ever.”

Cllr Hull went on to say that all efforts are being made to ensure the children’s education will continue with the minimum disruption.

“The original intention was to allow them to have online teaching at home, but naturally all their tablets and iPads are still in the school. Once it’s safe, the staff will go back in to try and retrieve as much as they can and then we’ll do everything we can to get temporary classrooms on site, although logistically this could take a while.

“But whatever the future holds, there’s no doubt that the people of this community are going to put up a very strong fight to retain it. When our backs are against the wall, we’ll fight.”