A husband who persistently stalked his wife and who sent threatening messages to the man he believed she was having an extra-marital affair with, has been brought before magistrates for sentence.

Jonathan Stapleton, 41, of Marshall Road, Monkton pleaded guilty this week to stalking his wife by placing a tracking device on her car between August 24 and September 22, 2022. Throughout this period the court was told how he harassed her by sending her text messages and videos.

Stapleton pleaded guilty to an additional charge of sending threatening text messages to Mr Robert Young between August 22 and 25 and a third charge of assaulting his wife by beating.

“The defendant discovered that his wife had been having an extra-marital relationship with Robert Young and he became more and more suspicious,” Crown Prosecutor Ben Williams informed Haverfordwest magistrates earlier this week.

“”He tried to get to the bottom of what was going on by sending Mr Young several threatening messages.”

Mr Williams went on to say that on August 20, he grabbed Mrs Stapleton by her arm which resulted in some bruising, and four days later he proceeded to track her movements after installing a tracking device on her car.

Jonathan Stapleton was represented in court by Mr Richard Morgan.

“My client felt betrayed and wronged by what had happened but has now put all of this behind him,” he said.

After considering a full report prepared by the probation service, magistrates sentenced Stapleton to a 24 month community order and a 20 day rehabilitation requirement. He must also carry out 100 hours of unpaid work.

He was ordered to pay £100 compensation to Mrs Stapleton as well as £85 costs and a £114 surcharge.

Magistrates imposed a restraining order which prevents him from having any direct communication with both Mrs Stapleton and Mr Young.