An estate agent has been reprimanded by a Pembrokeshire town council for hammering three nails into a deciduous tree which was growing on council land.

The 'Evans Roach Property For Sale' sign was recently erected on the tree that leads from the High Street, Neyland into Lawrenny Street.

But this week Neyland town councillors vented their annoyance at the appearance of the sign.

“In my opinion, this is nothing sort of vandalism,” said Cllr Andrew Lye.

“Three large nails were hammered into the tree, and for all we know, this could have caused considerable damage to the extent that we don’t know whether the tree is going to survive or not.”

His concern was echoed by Cllr Peter Hay.

“This sort of thing shouldn’t happen,” he said.

“But maybe by bringing it up at tonight’s meeting, it will highlight the importance that this sort of thing shouldn’t happen again. We would like to see people showing more respect for public property.”

Meanwhile Evans Roach has confirmed that the sign was erected by the un-named company that carries out their sign placements.

Evans Roach stressed that under no circumstances would they normally allow their signs to be positioned on living trees.

“We contacted the sign company to inform that that we wanted a boarding and pointer to be placed in this particular location, but under no circumstances did we request them to place it on the tree,” said Evans Roach's manager, Kathy Gunner.

“We responded to the council immediately, and ensured that the sign was removed.”

Ms Gunner went on to say that Evans Roach upholds a strict policy that forbids signs from being placed on trees.

Meanwhile Neyland Town Council has agreed to write to Evans Roach expressing its concern at the incident.