A Pembrokeshire church roof will be made safe again, after funding worth almost £10k was secured.

It is hoped that eroded and potentially hazardous coping stones on the roof of St Mary’s Church, Newport, will be repaired in the new year.

So far £9,703.00 has been promised from various sources, including the National Churches Trust (£4,000), the Diocesan Churches and Pastoral Committee (£3,000) and a Christmas present of £2,703 from the Welsh Church Act Fund, administered by Pembrokeshire County Council.

The Rev Anthony Wintle, who is leading the renovation, said: "We are most grateful to the three bodies that have offered this invaluable financial support to the congregation of St Mary’s.

"The town’s spacious, ancient church, with its rugged and commanding tower, well deserves to survive.

"It is an essential feature of the town both architecturally and spiritually, and, seen from the nearby estuary, the building acts as a scenic balance to Newport Castle.

"Such faith in the congregation of St Mary’s to care for Newport’s heritage is not misplaced."

Further donations towards the work may be given to the churchwardens, Mrs Alice Evans and Mrs Sue Wells.

The repairs are planned to begin early in February 2023.