A council, supporting plans to demolish and replace a bungalow, has been accused of holding an unlawful consultation and "not being transparent or objective”.

The application, by Ms T Bowen, for the works at Ringstone, Broad Haven, is being brought to Wednesday’s Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Development Management Committee, and is recommended for approval.

Ringstone is a two-level dormer bungalow built in 1974, the current dwelling has been substantially extended and modified; the proposed new dwelling a two-storey dormer bungalow.

The applicant has said the existing property is in a poor condition, adding: “Due to the nature of the original construction and design, modifying the existing building to bring it in line with current building regulation requirements and exceed the energy performance will not be cost-effective, therefore complete demolition and new construction is proposed.

"The current condition of the house is poor with many of the fiberglass flat roofs in need of immediate repair.”

The Havens Community Council supports the application, which was considered at a recent meeting.

Claims of an unlawful consultation have been made by an objector.

A report for national park planners, who will meet on February 1, states: “An objector has suggested that the Havens Community Council response was out of time with no formal extension of time being granted before expiry of the statutory 21-day consultation time limit.

“He further suggests that the Havens Community Council meeting was not transparent or objective and suggests that the consultation response is accordingly unlawful.”

No legal challenge has been taken against the decision of the Havens Community Council, the report states, and officers do not accept the objector’s suggestions that the consultation response from council should not be taken into account.

The scale of the new home and height is considered by officers to be appropriate for this site, and is not considered to result in any overbearing impact on the immediate neighbours, and issues raised by the objector do add any reasons for refusal of the planning application, the report states.

The application is recommended for approval, subject to conditions including the development starting within a five-year period and the boundary wall on the western elevation be retained.



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