A ‘call-in’ on proposals to develop Haverfordwest’s new Public Transport Interchange has been welcomed as a chance to "address concerns raised".

A call for a previous Cabinet decision on the Stage 2 Construction of Haverfordwest Public Transport Interchange going back to the Cabinet for further consideration was backed at last Monday’s Service Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

It followed a previous Cabinet decision that the invitation and evaluation of tenders be approved, and the awarding of any contract be delegated to the director of Community Services.

At the Monday, January 30 extraordinary meeting of Pembrokeshire County Council’s Cabinet, it was agreed that the previous Cabinet decision be amended, that the Cabinet approve the invitation to tender for the contract but that any tender only be approved after an additional report to cabinet, and that a full project update including forward planning and full costings is heard by Cabinet.

Cllr Rhys Sinnett, Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services said: “We welcomed the call-in from members and this process has enabled the Cabinet to listen to their feedback and address the concerns raised.

“The Cabinet remains committed to the project which is an important component of meeting the requirements of the Welsh Government Transport Strategy and will now take forward this key regeneration development with additional oversight on the development costs and timescales.

“This approach will not only provide extra assurance to the public and councillors but also offer them further opportunities to engage with the scheme as it proceeds.  The cost of the new interchange, including the demolition of the old structures, is currently estimated to be approximately £18.5m.

“We await the outcome of the most recent grant funding bid to Welsh Government for the next financial year, but also have received confirmation from the council’s finance team that money from car parking charges can be used if necessary to ensure project completion.

“The final detail of how all of the scheme funding is pulled together will be subject to a report back to Cabinet in due course.”

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