Award-winning media personality Gok Wan is the latest big name added to the line-up for Pembrokeshire’s Big Retreat Festival.

The well-being event, which features 300 different experiences ranging from foraging to feasting, was voted one of the 'Top 5 Wellbeing and Adventure Festivals' by The Guardian.

Toploader, Scouting for Girls and Mr Motivator are amongst the many names lined up for The Big Retreat, which takes place at Lawrenny from June 1-4.

Gok Wan MBE came to fame as an image and fashion consultant, with his television shows including How To Look Good Naked.

He is amongst the most respected and recognisable personalities across media and fashion, and more recently, during lockdown, created the Isolation Nation movement.

Using his DJ-ing and passion for uplifting and uniting people, Gok took to live streams to give his legion of followers comfort, escape and sanctuary during difficult times, channelling his love of soulful, uplifting house music.

See more information on The Big Retreat Festival here 


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