Organisers of a public consultation on the Pembroke South Quay redevelopment project have thanked so many people for attending and sharing their views.

Led by Pembrokeshire County Council, the South Quay project centres on the rebuild of formerly derelict properties on Castle Terrace to create a new public visitor centre, library and café.

Landscape and public realm enhancements will bring the burgage plots back into productive use.

The second phase of the project will regenerate properties in Northgate Terrace to create a new centre providing local support, training and activities for members of the community who may be disadvantaged due to social or health challenges.

Rachel Moxey, Head of Economic Development and Regeneration, said the event, held last week at Pembroke Town Hall, was well-attended and there was a lot of interest shown in the development.

“It was great to chat to so many people about the project, and to hear their views and feedback, particularly on Phase 2,” she said.

The event included presentations by project architects DB3, together with displays of new images, plans, and detailed project information.

Contractors, council officers, and architects were on hand to chat about the project and answer questions.

Karen Davies, Day Opportunities Project Manager, said: “Our vision for the phase 2 development is to provide a town centre hub for social care that integrates people into the community allowing people to grow their skills for independence.

"It was really interesting to hear the views of local people and to be able to address some misconceptions about what we are proposing.

"There were some really valid points made which we consider as part of our ongoing deliberations."


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