A Crymych schoolgirl is sporting a brand new look after chopping off more than a foot of hair to donate to the Little Princess Trust.

The trust provides real hair wigs, free of charge, to children and young people who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment or to other conditions such as Alopecia.

Losing her lovely locks to help the charity is nine-year-old Scarlett Clee from Crymych.

As well as donating her hair Scarlett has raised almost £700 for the Little Princess Trust through a JustGiving page.

Each wig costs £550 to make so Scarlett’s fundraising will cover more than the cost of that.

Western Telegraph: Ready for the chop.Ready for the chop. (Image: Liam Clee)

Scarlett’s parents are super proud of her achievements, which are even more precious as when their daughter was born they were told by medical staff to ‘prepare themselves, as it was thought she would not live longer than 48 hours.


“Scarlett has always been a very kind and loving little girl,” said proud dad Liam. “She has always put people before herself."

Western Telegraph: aunty Sioned gives Scarlette the chop for charity.aunty Sioned gives Scarlette the chop for charity. (Image: Liam Clee)

He said that Scarlett’s concern for others first showed itself when at the age of just seven she asked her parents to buy some food for a homeless man in Carmarthen.

“She then decided recently to cut her hair to donate it to the Little Princess Trust so that a wig could be made for another child,” said Liam.

Scarlett’s aunty Sioned, who is a hairdresser by trade, gave her the chop for charity.

Western Telegraph: Scarlett is loving her new look.Scarlett is loving her new look. (Image: Liam Clee)

“She has always been a little nervous and shy about certain things. This has been a massive step in her life and we as a family couldn't be prouder of her,” said Liam.

“She has dealt with being bullied for a couple of years but hasn't let that stop her from doing amazing things.”


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