Tegryn residents are enjoying the benefits of home-cooked hearty meals, eaten together as a community and available as healthy takeaways in the community freezer.

Every Wednesday people of all aged get together to help prepare a community cook-up and then enjoy eating together.

The free event will run every Wednesday from 3pm to 7pm in February and March in Tegryn Community Hall.

Western Telegraph: Delicious hearty home-cooked meals in Tegryn Community Hall. Delicious hearty home-cooked meals in Tegryn Community Hall. (Image: Cwm Arian)

It is being run by Cwm Arian's Community Meals project, Jemma Vickers of Sauce Catering and Canolfan Clydau in Tegryn.

The project aims to bring friends and neighbours under one roof to cook and eat together, without the stress of being a host or a guest.

Everyone is welcome to join in to cook hearty meals made with ingredients from local suppliers, and eat them together - any extra meals not eaten on the night will go into the community freezer, available as affordable takeaways through the week.

However, if eating is more your thing, you are welcome to turn up for the meal at 5pm.

"Doing a shared task like preparing food makes it easier to interact with others, especially when we're all still getting used to being able to be together again,” said Jemma.

“Peeling potatoes and chopping carrots can be the perfect ice breaker between strangers!”

Western Telegraph: The community comes together to enjoy a free home-cooked meal. The community comes together to enjoy a free home-cooked meal. (Image: Cwm Arian)

Cooking starts at 3pm, and the aim is to start eating the meal from 5pm - you don't have to come to help cook and can just turn up in time to eat.

Everyone is welcome, and it's all free, thanks to funding from Pembrokeshire County Council, although donations are welcome to help the project continue in the future.

Frozen meals will be available from the freezer in the public hallway of Canolfan Clydau which is usually open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.


There is no need to order in advance and again, there is no obligation to pay but a suggested donation of £3 per meal.

"We'd love it if people would spread the word about the cookups and the freezer meals, especially to people in need of that bit of extra comfort and support this winter,” said Holly Cross who helps coordinate the Community Meals project.

“Everyone is welcome to the meals and we invite you all to try at least once and find out how delicious they are."


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